About C-IN2
C-IN2 Clothing Company: Makers of fashion forward, comfortable, great fitting men’s underwear, swimwear activewear and denim.
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5 for $65 end of summer sale
Buy any 5 items from the End of Summer sale page for only $65. See terms on C-IN2 sale page.
Expires on Aug 31, 2021

5 for $65 end of summer sale
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C-IN2 Clothing Company: Makers of fashion forward, comfortable, great fitting men's underwear, swimwear activewear and denim. Terms and conditions apply. See store site for full details.C-IN2 focuses on three fundamentals: comfort, feeling sexy and having a perfect fit. Whether you’re wearing their ultimate basics, or getting a perfect fit with their signature contour pouch, C-IN2 has the underwear for you. They have several style collections to choose from, depending on whatever activities you get up to, from their Core and C-Theory lines, to their Tackle and Scrimmages lines. C-IN2 also carries the Grip Athletic collection of tees, tanks, shorts and hoodies for your active activities.